FREE Webinar: The Real Lives of Educators: Will I Ever Feel Rested Again?

Educators and school professionals this free webinar is for you!

Did you used to believe that being a teacher would be easy and that you’d get lots of time off? 🤣

Working in schools has become even more challenging. Daily stressors, big and small, impact your nervous systems. It’s easy to lose yourself in these moments.

When this happens, you carry this heightened state to your next interaction, compounding the stress. By the end of the day, you’re exhausted, and your nervous system is ready to explode or shut down!

Then, couple this with our expectations versus the realities of working in schools, and we have the perfect storm fostering feelings of overwhelm, helplessness, and frustration.

Explore these and other dynamics impacting your daily functioning and behaviors. Walk away with an understanding that will move you from reacting in the moment, to responding in ways that support your well-being, so you can reclaim our inspiration for teaching.

How is this content different?

Our work at the Synergetic Education Institute is about empowering students AND adults. It shouldn’t be a zero sum game. The well-being of your students doesn’t have to be at your expense.

*This Free Webinar was recorded on October 16th 2024.



What: A free 60-minute recorded webinar to learn how the way we’ve been taught or are expected to deal with daily stress and challenges might be making things more difficult. Identify some leading causes of the activation we might be feeling and what we can do about it.

When: Anytime! (you have forever access)

Where: Anywhere!

Cost: FREE

Presenter: Judith Norman, LPC, LSC, RPT-S*

*Judith Norman, LPC, LSC, RPT-S is an educator, trainer, coach, and clinical supervisor. She is licensed as both a Professional and a School Counselor and has worked at the intersection of education and mental health for over 20 years. Judith trains clinical and school-based mental health professionals and speaks and consults internationally on creating trauma-informed schools. As a District-Wide Social Emotional Learning Coach Judith led her school district in implementing a Kaiser Permanente “Thriving Schools Grant,” aimed at advancing social-emotional wellness and behavioral health in school districts. 

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