The Brains Behind Safety: Neuroscience Insights for Schools

Join us for this asynchronous webinar as we explore how Safety and Belonging Start with the Brain!

We all know that creating a safe and welcoming environment is essential for students’ social-emotional, psychological, and cognitive well-being. However, as school-based or clinical mental health professionals, it can sometimes feel like we have limited control over the environments in which students spend their days.

But here’s the good news: we can make a difference. By sharing information with educators about how the brain perceives safety and threats, we can significantly impact students’ sense of security. This knowledge is a powerful tool for supporting students’ mental health.

In this asynchronous webinar, you’ll learn how to:

  • Support schools in utilizing approaches that foster a sense of safety.
  • Nurture trust and belonging within educational settings.
  • Encourage students to face challenges with curiosity instead of fear.

Together, we’ll empower educators and students to discover that they can successfully manage difficult situations, ultimately supporting their overall well-being.

Keep scrolling to learn more about the details of this live webinar ….


What: We know that creating a safe and welcoming environment is essential for students’ social-emotional, psychological, and cognitive well-being. As school-based and clinical mental health professionals, we may have limited control over the environments in which students spend their days. However, we can significantly impact students’ sense of security by sharing information with educators on how the brain perceives safety and threats. This knowledge is a powerful tool for supporting students’ mental health.

In this two-hour asynchronous Webinar, you will learn how to support schools in utilizing approaches that foster a sense of safety, nurture trust and belonging, and encourage students to face challenges with curiosity instead of fear. Empower educators and students to discover that they can manage difficult situations, ultimately supporting their overall well-being.

Where: Recorded webinar – learn from anywhere you are!

When: You will have access for seven days from the time of purchase. 

Learning Objectives:

    1. Participants will learn how the brain processes information.
    2. Participants will identify how perceived threats to the brain show up in educational settings.
    3. Participants will explore approaches for supporting students’ mental health by shifting perceptions so students can begin to believe they can manage challenging experiences.

Cost: $25 USD 

Presenter: Judith Norman, MA, MS, LPC, RPT-S

Judith, the creator of the Developmental Mindsets Paradigm™ is licensed as both a Professional and School Counselor. Judith is a Registered Play Therapist Supervisor and is also Certified as a Synergetic Play Therapy Teacher and Supervisor, and in EMDR therapy, along with being trained in Mindfulness in Education. She has been utilizing the tenets of Synergetic Play Therapy in educational settings for the past 10 years, leading to the development of social-emotional, trauma-informed programming to support students and educators.

Refund Policy: This course is non-refundable. Should an extenuating circumstance impact completion of the webinar within a week, please contact the Synergetic Education Institute to discuss your options,

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