Certificate of Completion Requirements:

Watch all 10 classes, 4 of which are live webinars (attendance is strongly recommended, however they are recorded). Each class has an associated quiz that can be re-taken.

If you are unable to attend any of the 3 consultation groups live, you have the option of turning in questions that we will discuss, as each session is recorded.


Graduate Credit Requirements: To register for CSU credit see link at bottom of page. 

The course can be taken for ONE or TWO credits.

Cost: $65 paid to CSU for each credit along with CSU registration

Watch all 10 classes, 4 of which are live webinars (attendance is strongly recommended, however they are recorded). Each class has an associated quiz that can be re-taken.

If you are unable to attend any of the 3 consultation groups live, you have the option of turning in questions that we will discuss, as each session is recorded. You must watch the recording and complete  a discussion sheet.

You must also complete the following assignments outside of class time:


For educators: School and Classroom Perspectives

  • Desautels, Lori (2020) Connections Over Compliance: Rewiring Our Perceptions of Discipline.

For school-based mental health professionals: Mental health Perspective

  • Dion, Lisa (2018). Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity.


  • Section 1 post on forum.
  • Developmental perspective research & write up – OPTION 1*
  • Brain and Body State research & write up – OPTION 2*
  • Listen to the 20 minute podcast called “How Trying to be Calm Gets in the Way of Regulation” and write a one page reflection paper.
  • Section 2 post on forum.
  • Section 3 post of forum.
  • Complete a regulatory focused social-emotional behavior plan.

*School-Based Mental Health Professionals (SBMH) can chose one of these two assignments.
*Educators complete Option 2

The course is Pass/Fail

Points Received Activity
15 3 Posts and responses on learning platform forum
30 for each, chose one Developmental perspective research & write up FOR PROFESSIONALS WORKING WITH OTHER ADULTS


25 Listen to LFPR podcast & write reflection paper
30 Complete Regulatory focused social-emotional behavior plan
25 Class attendance and participation with completed quizzes for each class
Total points possible 125 Passing Grade for ONE credit 50 points

Passing Grade for TWO credits 95 points

Register for credit, by clicking on the two following documents:

Evolution of a Trauma-Informed Educator Registration Information

Additional Information