Certificate of Completion Requirements:

Watch all 10 classes, 4 of which are live webinars (attendance is strongly recommended, however they are recorded) and take all associated quizzes, which can be re-taken

If you are unable to attend any of the 3 consultation groups live, you have the option of turning in questions that we will discuss, as each session is recorded.


Credit Requirements: To register for CSU credit see links below

The course can be taken for ONE or TWO credits.

Cost: $65 paid to CSU for each credit along with CSU registration

Watch all 10 classes, 4 of which are live webinars (attendance is strongly recommended, however they are recorded) and take all associated quizzes, which can be re-taken

If you are unable to attend any of the 3 consultation groups live, you have the option of turning in questions that we will discuss, as each session is recorded. You must watch the recording and turn in a brief write up of your thoughts.

To receive credit, you must complete the following assignments outside of class time:


For educators: School and Classroom Perspectives

  • Desautels, Lori (2020) Connections Over Compliance: Rewiring Our Perceptions of Discipline.

For school-based mental health professionals: Mental health Perspective

  • Dion, Lisa (2018). Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity.

General Assignment Overview: (For information on specific assignments scroll down page)

  • Section 1 post on forum.
  • Developmental perspective research & write up – OPTION 1*
  • Brain and Body State research & write up – OPTION 2*
  • Listen to the 20 minute podcast called “How Trying to be Calm Gets in the Way of Regulation” and write a one page reflection paper.
  • Section 2 post on forum.
  • Section 3 post of forum.
  • Complete a regulatory focused social-emotional behavior plan.

*Professionals working with other adults can chose one of these two assignments.
*Educators complete Option 2

The course is Pass/Fail

Points Activity
15 3 Posts and responses on learning platform forum
30 Developmental perspective research & write up, OR
Brain and Body State research & write up
25 Listen to podcast & write reflection paper
30 Complete Regulatory focused social-emotional behavior plan
25 Class attendance and participation with completed quizzes for each class
Total  Points 125 Passing Grade for one credit 50 points

Passing Grade for two credits 95 points



To receive credit you must register with CSU, and pay their $65 per credit hour fee. You can do so by clicking on the two following documents:  You must register with CSU by May 10th, 2024 to be eligible for credit.

Evolution of a Trauma-Informed Educator Spring 2024 Registration Information

Additional Information


Specific Assignments and Materials 

To turn in assignments, please upload to your goggle drive folder. The link was provided by your instructor.



  • Post: As you have looked at your own, and others’ behaviors through a brain state and stress response lens, what have you noticed? How has using this lens impacted your thinking and/or behaviors? Post Due 2/6/24
  • Developmental perspective research & write up PROFESSIONALS WORKING WITH OTHER ADULTS Paper Due 2/20/24
  • Brain and Body State research & write up EDUCATORS OR PROFESSIONALS WORKING WITH OTHER ADULTS Paper Due 2/20/24




  • Listen to the 20-minute podcast called “How Trying to be Calm Gets in the Way of Regulation” and write a one page reflection paper.  Due 3/27/24
  • Posts: As you think about using the concepts of Braindrops, Learning Tools and somatosensory regulation, what challenges and benefits do you perceive Understanding that co-regulation starts with us, also has challenges and benefits. What do you see as the biggest challenges, and what are your thoughts for addressing them? Due 4/3/24




  • Post: Understanding that relationship dynamics are complicated and based on past associations and patterns can help us recognize that how a student is behaving is “not about us.” How does seeing behavior and dynamics through this lens impact your own thinking and behavior? Due 4/17/24
  • Complete a regulatory focused social-emotional behavior plan. Instructions and forms are below. Please have a specific student in mind and create a plan that you will be able to implement. Layered Social-Emotional Behavior Plans will be discussed in our final two classes. Due 5/8/24
