To receive graduate credit, you must complete the following assignments outside of class time:

Textbooks: Optional

For educators: School and Classroom Perspectives

  • Desautels, Lori (2020) Connections Over Compliance: Rewiring Our Perceptions of Discipline.

For school-based mental health professionals: Mental health Perspective

  • Dion, Lisa (2018). Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity.


Student activities and grading:

Points Received Activity
20 Reflection paper on foundational information class
20 Presentation in cohort group
20 Reflection paper on class video
20 Reflection paper on 2nd class video
20 Class attendance and participation
Total points 100 Pass 75



  • Reflection paper on foundational information class: Chose a main take-away from the day long class and consider questions such as: Why does this idea feel significant to you? How will you use what you learned? What challenges do you think you’ll have? How will you address those challenges? DUE 2/21/23
  • Presentation in cohort group: Chose one thing to focus on in the video and present the following to the group: Why did you chose this aspect of the video to focus on? What did you learn from this video? How will you use this information? Coordinate with instructor date of the presentation.
  • Reflection on videos: Is there anything in the video that makes you uncomfortable? If so , why do you think it makes you uncomfortable? What did you learn from this video? How will you use this information? What else would you like to know about using this information? Due prior to corresponding coaching PLC session.

To receive credit you must register with CSU, and pay their $65 fee per credit hour.

To register please do the following:

  • Click on the registration information link below and follow the instructions.
  • Please inform your instructor that you are taking the course for credit so you will receive information and a link for turning in assignments. You can contact your instructor at

Classroom Strategies Based in Neuroscience Registration Information

Additional Information