Certificate of Completion:

Once you have completed the program, you will have the opportunity to download and/or print a certificate of completion. This certificate will acknowledge that you have watched or attended all pre-recorded and live webinar classes throughout the program and that you have completed the associated quizzes.

This program also includes group consultation. If you are unable to attend any of the consultation groups live and online during the program, you will be given the option of submitting questions ahead of time that the group can discuss during the consultation session. All sessions will be recorded.

Program Requirements for Certificate of Completion:

  • Attend or watch all live webinars (attendance is strongly recommended, however, all live webinars will be recorded)
  • Complete all associated quizzes

Registering for CSU Credit:

Registration Cost: $65 for EACH credit hour paid to CSU

You must register with CSU BY 4/15/25, to receive credit for this program.

Program Requirements for CSU Credit:

  • Register with CSU and pay associated fees
  • Attend or watch all live webinars (attendance is strongly recommended, however, all live webinars will be recorded)
  • Complete all associated quizzes
  • Complete additional coursework as outlined below

Recommended Textbooks:

Chose whichever focus fits your professional orientation.

Education Focused:

  • Desautels, Lori (2020) Connections Over Compliance: Rewiring Our Perceptions of Discipline.

Mental Health Focused:

  • Dion, Lisa (2018). Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity.


  • Posts on forum
  • Brain and Body State research & write up 
  • Developmental perspective research & write up 
  • Learning tool exploration
  • Listen to the 20-minute podcast called “How Trying to be Calm Gets in the Way of Regulation” and write a one page reflection paper
  • Perceived Challenges Reflective Writing activity
  • Complete a regulatory-focused social-emotional behavior plan

The course is Pass/Fail.


Please read BOTH documents below to register for CSU credit by 4/15/25 deadline:

Synergetic Approach to Education Fall 2024 Registration Information. (This document will be available Fall 2024)

Additional Registration Information