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  • Judith Norman
    Post count: 99

    It can be challenging to ask educators to look at their own dysregulation, or why a student might not feel a sense of safety in the classroom. As you think about having some of these conversations, what comes up for you? Get curios about what is being activated in you? Do you feel yourself getting stuck in “Am I ok?” as you wonder how to work with educators around these topics?

    Lisa Walton
    Post count: 8

    Oh I love this question and for sure, ‘am I good enough’ is definitely coming up for me at the moment. Also because my work at the moment is encompassing families more and more. The beautiful part of this is that as I give myself what I need to regulate and move towards my own fears and move through the dysregulation that comes up in me with ‘am I ok’, I get to model this for educators and parents. We are all revolving in ‘am I ok’ together and in doing my own work I get to scoop them up and bring them with me. I actually love this so much… my own focus on myself gets to ripple out to influence and impact the broader system that includes all these people together.

    Ekta Bid
    Post count: 10

    How to approach it? Am I good enough? Being willing to be vulnerable and get off the pedestal. I love this question and its made me look deeper into my regulation and dysregulation states.

    Judith Norman
    Post count: 99

    This is such a thought-provoking question and I’m so grateful that you were both willing to be vulnerable and name what was coming up for you. I have found that “Am I OK?” typically comes up for us as we navigate these challenging conversations with educators and caregivers. It’s such a helpful perspective to recognize that this is part of the set-up and allow ourselves to explore it with others, rather than get to get stuck in it and revolve with others.

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