Possibly include a video covering ALL FAQs at top of page and then have drop downs below for quick answers:

Never purchased – Purchased and can’t find Course – Taken a Course and looking for something

Account Related Questions

Reset Password, or Changing Password once logged in
My Courses
Payment Methods/Changing Payment Methods

Do you have questions about registering for a course?

How do I know what course is right for me? Link to Program Charts

Our signature programs, Evolution of a Synergetic Educator (ESE) and Introduction to A Synergetic Approach to Education (SAE), were created for different audiences.

Student-Centered Focus or Dual Focus.

Do you have questions about finding courses for which you’ve already enrolled?

Do you have questions about navigating the learning platform?

Mark complete, Pass quiz, find my certificate, find recorded classes and when will it be uploaded.

Passwords for embedded videos.

Where to find handouts, etc. based on course layout/template

Google Drive/Homework Folders
