Certificate of Completion Requirements:

Watch all classes (attendance is strongly recommended, however they are recorded) and take all associated quizzes, which can be re-taken.

If you are unable to attend any of the 5 consultation groups live, you have the option of turning in questions that we will discuss, as each session is recorded.

Credit Requirements: To register for CSU credit see links below

The course can be taken for ONE or TWO credits.

Cost: $65 paid to CSU for each credit along with CSU registration

Watch all classes (attendance is strongly recommended, however they are recorded) and take all associated quizzes, which can be re-taken.

If you are unable to attend any of the 4 consultation groups live, you have the option of turning in questions that we will discuss, as each session is recorded. You must watch the recording and complete  a discussion sheet.

To receive credit, you must complete the following assignments outside of class time:

Textbooks: These are for reference 

For educators: School and Classroom Perspectives

  • Desautels, Lori (2020) Connections Over Compliance: Rewiring Our Perceptions of Discipline.

For school-based mental health professionals: Mental health Perspective

  • Dion, Lisa (2018). Aggression in Play Therapy: A Neurobiological Approach for Integrating Intensity.

General Assignment Overview: (For information on specific assignments scroll down page)

  • Class posts
  • Developmental Perspective Action Research
  • Learning Tool Exploration
  • Developmental Perspective Paper
  • Listen to the 20 minute podcast called “How Trying to be Calm Gets in the Way of Regulation” and  reflection paper
  • Perceive Challenges Reflective Writing Acitivity
  • Regulatory Focused Social-Emotional Behavior Plan

The course is Pass/Fail

To receive 1 credit you must complete the following:
Points Received Activity
10 3-5 Posts and responses on learning platform forum
25 Developmental perspective action research OR paper
20 Listen to LFPR podcast and reflection
25 Complete Regulatory focused social-emotional behavior plan
20 Class attendance and participation with completed quizzes for each class
Total points 100 Pass 75


To receive 2 credits you must complete the following:
Points Received Activity
20 6-10 Posts and responses on learning platform forum
25 Developmental perspective action research
25 Learning tool exploration
25 Developmental perspective paper
20 Listen to LFPR podcast and reflection
25 Perceived Challenges Reflective Writing Activity
25 Complete Regulatory focused social-emotional behavior plan
35 Class attendance and participation with completed quizzes for each class
Total points 200 Pass 150

If you have not yet registered for credit with CSU, you must do that BEFORE 4/1/25 or you will not receive credit. 

CLICK HERE to register with CSU

Additional Information

Specific Assignments and Materials 

To turn in assignments, please upload to your goggle drive folder. The link was provided by your instructor.

SECTION 1: Foundational Information


  • Class 1 Post: As you reflect upon your current or previous work with educators, now through the lens of being an SPT therapist first, what thoughts or new perspectives come to mind? Does using this lens impact your thinking and/or behavior? Post Due 11/18/24
  • Class 2 Post: The idea that “behaviors make sense” can be misinterpreted to mean that all behaviors are “acceptable” at school or in the classroom. How would you explain this concept to educators? And, why do you think some educators might perceive this statement in this way? What’s the set-up? Post Due 12/2/24
  • Class 3 Post: As you reflect upon incorporating self-reflection or developing interoception into the work you are doing, what feels the most natural for you to implement, what feels the most challenging, and why do you think these might be true?  Post Due 12/16/24
  • Class 4 Post: Using the timeline approach to interventions has benefits and challenges. What do you perceive as the greatest benefits and challenges? How might you work with the challenges you identified? Post Due 1/13/25

SECTION 2: Putting Theory into Practice


  • Class 5 post: As you reflect upon your current or previous work with educators, now through the lens of a developmental perspective, what thoughts or new perspectives come to mind? Does using this lens impact your thinking and/or behavior? Post Due 1/27/25
  • Developmental perspective action research:   Assignment Due 2/17/25
  • Class 6 Post: Using the concepts of Braindrops, Learning Tools, and somatosensory regulation has benefits and challenges. What do you perceive as the greatest benefits and challenges? How might you work with the challenges you identified? Post Due 2/10/25
  • Learning Tool Exploration:  Assignment Due 3/3/25


SECTION 3: Relationships and Interactional Challenges


  • Class 7 Post: It can be challenging to ask educators to look at their own dysregulation, or why a student might not feel a sense of safety in the classroom. As you think about having some of these conversations, what comes up for you? Get curios about what is being activated in you? Do you feel yourself getting stuck in “Am I ok?” as you wonder how to work with educators around these topics? Post Due 2/24/25
  • Developmental perspective paper: Assignment Due 3/17/25
  • Class 8 Post: Of the challenges we covered in class which have you experienced in your work with educators? How did you feel about it at the time? As you think about it now, do you have any new insights or ideas? Post Due 3/10/25
  • Listen to the 20-minute Lessons From the Playroom Podcast #118  “How Trying to be Calm Gets in the Way of Regulation” and write a short reflection paper. Assignment Due 3/24/25
  • Perceived Challenges Reflective Writing Activity: Assignment Due 3/24/25


SECTION 4: Establishing Regulatory Approaches


  • Class 10 Post: Creating regulatory spaces can feel overwhelming if you try to do it a certain way. How can you approach this from where you are right now, given only the resources you currently have available to you? And, how can you help educators see this concept from this perspective? Post Due 4/7/25
  • Class 11 Post: Given your specific role in working with educators or schools what roles is most appropriate for you in creating support plans? In what ways can you facilitate others in understanding what role they can play in this process? Post  Due 4/21/25
  • Complete a regulatory focused social-emotional behavior plan. Assignment Due 4/28/25
  • Class 12 Post: How will you move forward in your work empowering educators?Post Due 4/28/25
