• Use Early Bird Coupon Code "EarlyBird2024" for $50 USD off until June 4th!

    Registration Deadline is September 22, 2024!

    Master the art of cultivating empowering spaces for student learning and growth while supporting your own well-being! Join the Evolution of a Synergetic Educator program, a revolutionary and transformative approach to learning and education. This comprehensive course is grounded in neuroscience and the latest research in nervous system regulation. You will learn practical strategies for managing stress, working with challenging classroom dynamics, fostering resilience, and maintaining a balanced perspective while supporting academic achievement. Don’t let exhaustion be your norm! Gain a profound understanding of what is happening for educators and students during dysregulation to learn to support regulation for educators, students, and classrooms. By developing brain and body state awareness, you can explain effective practices to others and use this knowledge to guide strategies. Integrate explicit teaching with scaffolding bottom-up brain-aligned approaches to help create new options for behavior. Empower yourself by choosing a cohort that aligns with your professional journey. Implement cutting-edge neuroscience and nervous system regulation research using empowerment-focused methods grounded in the application of educational neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology. Drawing from extensive research in learning theory, including cognitive, constructivism, social learning, and experiential learning, this approach supports gradual release so students can integrate, generalize, and apply skills! What makes us different? Synergetic educators understand that the collective power of educators, students, classrooms, and educational systems has a much more significant impact than individual efforts! With this unique approach, you will learn to consider every aspect of learners and the learning environment, incorporating social-emotional, trauma-informed, and inclusive practices to achieve long-lasting change. Enroll now to uncover the secrets to sustainable change and empowerment as you transform education, prioritize your well-being, and take your professional expertise to the next level! ***For the FIRST TIME, we are offering two different cohorts of this program to meet your unique needs. Select to join a “Student-Centered Focus” OR “Dual Focus” program exploring working with both students and other adults! Student-Centered Focus Cohort (20 hours) Focus on students and creating empowering spaces and classroom settings for student growth and well-being. Dive deep into the intricacies of the learning environment, equipped with the latest research in neuroscience and nervous system regulation. A push for educators to keep doing more brings with it feelings of overwhelm and exhaustion. It’s time to learn how to scaffold shifts in student behavior WHILE supporting the well-being of educators. It’s been a zero-sum game for too long; this shouldn’t be an either/or situation; the well-being of both students and educators is essential. Explore how different “myths” in education are getting in the way of modeling healthy behaviors for students and creating burnout for educators! Uncover what is really happening for students during moments of dysregulation and how you can use brain-aligned strategies that support a return to learning. Discover sustainable practices that support both you and your students!
    • Manage daily stress effectively.
    • Understand student dysregulation and learn how to navigate these challenging moments.
    • Recognize and integrate missing elements in universal and social-emotional learning programs.
    • Establish regulatory-focused environments for student empowerment.
    • Utilize brain and body state awareness to guide strategies.
    • Identify critical factors affecting relationships between students and adults, including common causes of escalation that often result in getting stuck in unproductive interaction patterns.
    Dual Focus Cohort – Working with Students and School Staff (25 hours) This program is designed specifically for those who work with students and school staff, including school counselors, psychologists, social workers, SEL specialists, behavior coaches, and administrators. The cohort is tailored to meet your needs, as we understand the unique challenges of supporting students and colleagues. We know that it can feel like you're swimming upstream. Grounded in neuroscience and interpersonal neurobiology, we will explore what happens between students and educators in moments of dysregulation while learning how to communicate this to promote collaboration. With a deepened understanding of the dynamics, we will explore the "resistance" and hurdles that arise when working with different perspectives and levels of readiness for this work, and effective ways to navigate them. You'll discover how to manage stress, foster resilience, and maintain a balanced perspective, all while prioritizing your regulatory needs so the demands of your role don't take a toll on your well-being! Includes all aspects of the Student-Centered Focus cohort, PLUS:
    • Assist in creating regulatory-focused environments that foster a sense of safety and belonging for both students and school staff.
    • Support school staff using the revolutionary Developmental Mindsets Paradigm™ to facilitate growth and build capacity at your site.
    • Foster a positive culture and climate by deepening your understanding of the dynamics creating challenges as you work to move through barriers hindering progress.

    Click here to compare the two cohort details!

    Scroll down for program details including cost, learning objectives, and important dates!
  • This is a therapist-designed course that assists teachers, early-childhood educators, and caregivers in learning how to support the nurturing of social-emotional development in a group and classroom setting. Looking for a  fresh explanation on why children feel and act the way they do?  Curious about the relationship between brain development and perception? Want to know how the nervous system lives up to its name? Learn this and more! Scroll down for course details and objectives.


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