Programs and Resources
The Synergetic Education™ Institute offers trainings and courses for individual Educators (e.g., classroom and specials teachers, Behavioral Specialists, SEL Coaches, etc.), School-Based Mental Health Professionals (e.g., School Counselors, School Psychologists, School-Based Social Workers, etc.) and Educational Leaders.
Programming options range from stand alone one hour videos for individuals, to year-long programming tailored to meet the needs of a specific site or district. Training can include on-line webinars, on-site training and/or small group consultation. Training can include integrated support for all stakeholders in the learning community: students, parents, classroom and specials teachers, support personnel, mental health professionals, school and district administration and leadership.
By combining the latest research in neuroscience, interpersonal neurobiology, social-emotional learning and trauma-informed practices, our goal is to empower you in supporting students and adults.
Click below on specific programs to learn more:
Educator Video Series: 5-part video series, “Empowering Educators and Students: Strategies for Navigating the Realities and Thriving in Today’s Schools.”
Signature Programs:
- Evolution of a Synergetic Educator: 25-hour program with graduate credit available and group consultation
- A Synergetic Approach to Education: 23-hour program for clinical and school-based mental health professionals with graduate credit available and group consultation