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  • Judith Norman
    Post count: 78

    As you reflect upon your current or previous work with educators, now through the lens of being an SPT therapist first, what thoughts or new perspectives come to mind? Does using this lens impact your thinking and/or behavior?

    Lisa Walton
    Post count: 8

    With this new awareness I’m able to non-judgementally reflect on how I have been showing-up with educators, very much in ‘fix-it’ mode rather than ‘being with’. I’m excited to feel the shift from ‘fixer’ to ‘ally’. It feels lighter, there’s a ‘togetherness’ that comes with it. And this also gives me pause to reflect on why I have been leading from a place of fixing… I get to be curious about my own beliefs, how I am with my own activation and what strategies I still unconsciously use when perceiving challenges in my own relationships (with educators, students, parents…). I didn’t expect this from today’s session: I see where I am still afraid to be with the activation in my own system – i don’t want to feel it so I have to fix it as quickly as possible – and of course I project that straight out onto the people I’m in relationship with. I so appreciate the insights and learnings from today. The work really does begin with us! Thank you x

    Cheyenne Cochran
    Post count: 2

    I’m grateful that we’re getting concrete teaching and collaborative strategies because I have known and felt that student behavior is not personal, I just haven’t known how to put everything into words for teachers. We have so many “behavior coaches” in our district that at times it can feel disheartening as a school-based mental health therapist because educators will say, “This is a behavior problem, not a mental health issue to be addressed.” Which I know doesn’t make sense, but it’s what they have truly believed. I view behaviors as a form of communication of an unmet or met need. Being able to show these handouts, talk about the neuroscience, and even allow educators to feel the difficulty of working through activation and stress is already feeling like a huge win.

    Judith Norman
    Post count: 78

    Starting from a place of curiosity is so powerful and gives us so many options without “tying” us to one approach. I really get not wanting to feel it so jumping in to fix it. I find I am often reminding myself that this is a lifelong journey.

    Judith Norman
    Post count: 78

    I think so often is viewed as “either/or” when both can be true. It is behavior and we don’t have to like all behaviors, and can at the same time understand that they don’t live in isolation. When we get to class 4, we’ll be talking about how to work with different people from where they are, versus where we want them to be, not easy.

    Tia Dvorak
    Post count: 2

    Previous to starting this, I was definately in a mindset of “needing answers or interventions.” Now thinking as an SPT therapist first, I am able to remind myself to just “sit in it and feel it.” I was able to use this on Monday of this week and the teachers loved it! Whew..what a relief to not have to “know it all.”

    Ekta Bid
    Post count: 10

    With this new awareness, I find I am getting curious and being non-judgmental. Thinking as an SPT therapist, I have been able to sit in it and feel it when I am with educators and students. I have worked with educators and children outside their school setting on a private base. But I feel what I am learning can empower all (including me). Looking forward to seeing what shows up

    Judith Norman
    Post count: 78

    So cool Tia! I’d love to hear the details of this interaction. Amazing how we “should” ourselves into thinking we’re supposed to know it all.

    Judith Norman
    Post count: 78

    Ekta, I totally agree, what we are exploring works both in schools and in our work outside of schools with students and educators. It will be a great perspective to bring to your consultation group.

    Ekta Bid
    Post count: 10


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