Programs and Resources

The Synergetic Education™ Institute offers trainings and courses for individual Educators (e.g., classroom and specials teachers, Behavioral Specialists, SEL Coaches, etc.), School-Based Mental Health Professionals (e.g., School Counselors, School Psychologists, School-Based Social Workers, etc.) and Educational Leaders.

Programming options range from stand alone one hour videos for individuals, to year-long programming tailored to meet the needs of a specific site or district. Training can include on-line webinars, on-site training and/or small group consultation. Training can include integrated support for all stakeholders in the learning community: students, parents, classroom and specials teachers, support personnel, mental health professionals, school and district administration and leadership.

By combining the latest research in neuroscience, interpersonal neurobiology, social-emotional learning and trauma-informed practices, our goal is to empower you in supporting students and adults.


Click below on specific programs to learn more:

Educator Video Series: 5-part video series, “Empowering Educators and Students: Strategies for Navigating the Realities and Thriving in Today’s Schools.”

Signature Programs:

Free Webinars

Praise for Our Work

“I have things that I can take away tomorrow and try right away. I’m excited to try them not for just one student, but for all the students in the class. It’s always incredible working with you. I always feel really validated but also challenged. It feels like I have appropriate next steps.”
Tawni Eckley, Classroom Teacher

“…Judy and the school’s commitment to the social and emotional well-being of the students goes far beyond a single project. In three years of working with Michelle Malvey (Principal, Lincoln Elementary School) and her staff, I have been continuously impressed, not only by this commitment but by the extent to which social and emotional learning is such a central and open part of the culture of the building. I can honestly say I know of no other elementary learning community in the country with a more supportive culture for learning.”
Dr. Tim Kubik, Professional Development Educator and Author of “Unprepared for What we Learned: Six Action Research Exercises that Challenge the Ends we Imagine for Education”